This is an airport in Latvia

Jelgava Tervete, 68 km (42 miles) Airports in Engures Novads, Latvia * Tukums, 54 km (34 miles) Adazu Novads, Latvia * Zabaki, 22 km (14 miles)
Jelgava Tervete (Latvia), COPYRIGHT © 2011 Maps of Net| Terms of Use| Privacy policy| Copyright policy| XHTML CSS is not sponsored by or affiliated with Google.
Jelgava Tervete, Latvia on world map Jelgava Tervete, Latvia map zoom x 4 Jelgava Tervete, Latvia map zoom x 20 Jelgavas Rajons First-order Administrative Division
Jelgava Tervete Weather forecast forJelgava Tervete, Jelgava fylke (Latvia) = Updated at 21:03. Next update around 10:00.