This is an airport in Canada

Armstrong, Ont.
Armstrong, Ont. It was a bitter cold night and I remember we were having trouble with the steam lines freezing up.
Armstrong, Ont. so I had to wait for them. In the meantime, I had the wheels on, and did quite a bit of pleasure flying around Fort Wm.
Armstrong, Ontario E-mail: Contact Wow that would have been so cool to meet Terry Fox.
Armstrong, Ont. Six of the dead were Winnipeg residents. The crash came shortly after 3:47 a.m., as the plane attempted an emergency landing at the Armstrong airport.
Armstrong, Ont. A short time later, the left engine RPM and fuel flow began to decrease and the crew could no longer maintain level flight. At 09:17 Central Standard Time (CST), the crew made a forced landing 20 NM southwest of Armstrong, into a marshy wooded area.
Armstrong, Ont. University of Western Ontario. Library London * See all from £31.